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The Full Story..........

About New Beginnings Well-being Therapies





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Where my journey of healing & self discovery started.....

Having been a Registered Nurse for 30 years, I have had the privilege of caring for people at their most vulnerable. Working in a wide variety of settings caring for people of different ages, backgrounds and cultures means I have extensive life experience. My career in Nursing began back in 1987 and has given me extensive knowledge of physical conditions as well as an awareness of the importance of emotional well-being and mental health. I also have insight into the detriment that negative emotions can cause. I have always been passionate about a holistic approach to overall wellness and cared deeply about my patients and clients. 


In April 2018 I started my well-being therapy business, I felt the time was right to move on to the next chapter in my life and follow my next 'calling'. I am now in the privileged position of supporting people through life's challenges. I provide a safe space where you will receive bespoke treatments and training and will always be treated with the utmost care and compassion. Any information you share during treatments will be treated with the utmost respect; you can rest assured that confidentiality will always be maintained.    

My professional qualifications.......... 

  • Registered General Nurse 1990 

  • BA (hons) Health Studies 1997 

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Education 2009 

  • MSc Advanced Nursing 2016 



They say you either find Reiki or Reiki finds you. Thankfully Reiki found me in a time of crisis. Seventeen years ago I was in a very different place following the loss of my Father. I suffered a level of shock that I wasn’t prepared for and was thrust into a deeply vulnerable state experiencing a range of emotions unlike anything I had ever experienced. I suffered from anxiety, fixated on the past and constantly worried about the future. I struggled to sleep and experienced distressing night terrors. After having regular Reiki treatments for a few years, in 2008 I completed my first level of Reiki Training. People would often ask why I had chosen to do Reiki and I could only reply "I don't know". But what I do know is my life changed forever from that point and my spiritual Reiki journey began........

Where my journey has taken me... 

Life became more peaceful, decisions easier to make, opportunities presented themselves and my overall outlook on life became much more positive. My issues with anxiety and sleep disturbances lessened but when they did occur I had peaceful calming energy at my fingertips to bring relief. Over the past twelve years, I have completed all levels of Reiki training and am now a Reiki Master/Teacher.    


Alongside practising Reiki, I began a daily meditation practice five years ago. I was starting to feel low again at the time, balancing life with caring for my elderly Mother. I was struggling with the concept that the person who had always loved and supported me was now reliant completely on my love and support and I was consumed by the fear that she may no longer be here. This fear stemmed from the loss of my Father and I was terrified of the same emotions re-occurring and being overwhelmed by grief again. 


Despite initial reservations and telling myself I couldn’t do it after the first class, I continued to attend a Buddhist Centre each week and practice at home. I very quickly started to feel more positive and in control of my emotions rather than my emotions controlling me. I also felt more energised, began to see things differently and stopped falling into the self-pitying trap.  


I didn’t fully appreciate the benefits that my daily meditation practise combined with Reiki and crystals had made to my life until I sadly lost my Mother two years ago. Although I am fully immersed in the grieving process and have days where I feel immense sadness, starting each day with a simple breathing meditation has helped to free the negative thought patterns and immersing myself in the present moment has certainly calmed my anxious mind. I don’t fixate on reliving my Mother’s deterioration as I did with my Father. Taking a few minutes throughout the day to sit in stillness with the loving energy of Reiki and crystals when the feelings of grief start to take over has been invaluable. 


Meditation has also helped me deal with the actual concept of death and stopped me waking up during the night scared of change and worrying about the future. I find meditation has cultivated an attitude of non-judgemental acceptance which has been life changing for me. This has also resulted in an improvement in my personal relationships and the love and compassion I now feel for others. I certainly respond with kindness to stressful situations rather than react like I have in the past before I commenced my meditation practice. I have undertaken a Meditation Teacher Training Programme and am now accredited Meditation Teacher.


Life is now very different; I have the strength to effectively deal with the curve balls life sometimes throws and live a peaceful and holistic life. I am committed to Reiki, meditation and using crystals as a life-long practice through which the depths of the gift of healing are manifested. It is now my pleasure to support others......  

My Well-being Training......... 

  • First level of Reiki (Shoden)  July 2008 

  • Second level of Reiki (Okuden) September 2010 

  • Third level of Reiki (Shinpiden) March 2016 

  • Highest level of Reiki (Gokui Kaiden) August 2017 

  • Indian Head Massage Diploma January 2018 

  • Crystal Therapy Diploma March 2018 

  • Mindfulness & Meditation Diploma February 2019 

  • Accredited Meditation Teacher Training June 2019 

  • Sound Healing Diploma 2019

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